RENTBASE is part of Bigdatabox Sp. z o.o – a new database hub created with consistency and passion by veterans operating in the most important sectors of the Polish economy. The experiences of the project’s originators led to consultations with car rental sector companies. These consultations are what helped shape the RENTBASE system.
A similar solution was difficult to find, which is why BIGDATABOX decided to fill the market niche.
Our long-term partnerships with the largest market actors has resulted in a broad portfolio of successful projects supporting the everyday operations of our clients.
We are passionate about operational risk management tools. We constantly strive to find new solutions and ideas for securing the processes of our clients.
Our long-term partnerships with major clients have enabled us to forge strong business relations, which often prove necessary for developing new ideas and products which meet the needs of the rapidly-shifting market.
Companies from the car rental sector risk renting their vehicles to fraudulent or unreliable clients every day. The major threats include:
unlawful appropriation
crossing of borders
late returns
The main difficulty in relation to risk management is insufficient information and sources to support the verification and assessment of potential clients.
A system was needed which would enable companies to share information on violations committed by customers.
In addition, the system should allow for client verification based on data retrieved from other sources, which would then be compiled and made available in the form of consolidated reports.
These requirements served as the foundation for Rentbase – a vehicle renting history database.
Inspired by the needs of our clients, we have developed a technology which helps protect against violations committed by clients in the car rental sector in a simple, quick and secure fashion.
The purpose of the solution is to limit and counteract violations in the car rental sector resulting from renting vehicles to fraudulent and unreliable clients. Theft, unlawful appropriation, vandalism and the crossing of borders using unauthorised vehicles are only some of the risks the industry faces every day.
Rentbase enables users to exchange information on vehicles being rented, and the history of clients renting vehicles, in real-time. Access to data sources such as Economic Information Bureaus, the National Court Register, the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEiDG) database, and horizontal portals offers more information on clients and helps assess the risk involved in renting a vehicle.
As data is shared online, actions registered by vehicle renting companies are lawfully processed in
a continuous manner in real-time. Datasets are exchanged by users in a simple and comprehensive fashion, minimising the risk involved in everyday transactions.
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Marka Kotańskiego 8 lok.7
10-160 Olsztyn
Phone: 503-198-359
NIP: 7393917784